The Moghe Lab
(site Always under development)
Latest News
Fall 2021
Jiho Lee is awarded the Morley award and Dextra award for UG research on carotenoids. Go Jiho! 🎉🎈
Manuscript on resin glycoside diversity in morning glories accepted in Horticulture Research special issue on Specialized Metabolism in Horticultural Crops
Jiho Lee, Arden Lee, Nandita Nagarajan join the lab as undergrad researchers. Welcome!
Bryce Askey joins for his second rotation.
Manuscript on importance of acylsugars in N. benthamiana aphid and drought response published, in collaboration with the Jander lab.
Alexandre Miaule joins the lab for his rotation
Summer 2021
Manuscript on resin glycoside identification now on bioRxiv
Two manuscripts accepted - sweet potato anthocyanins/flavonoids identification (Ali, Scientific Reports) and a review on laticifers and latex (Arielle, Current Opinion in Plant Biology)
Liz wins the best talk award at the Phytochemistry session at Botany 2021 🎉🎈
Liz awarded the prestigious USDA-NIFA predoctoral fellowship! 🎉🎈
Irfan is selected into the ASPB Early Career committee. 🎉🎈
Our review on Evolution-aided engineering of plant metabolism published in aBiotech.
Spring 2021
Chinmaey gets an internship at a Texas biomedical genomics company
Sejin is a finalist at the Cornell Undergraduate Research Board symposium for her honors thesis work.
Our manuscript on Solanum habrochaites population genomics and phenotypic evolution published in Molecular Biology and Evolution 🎉🎈
Fall 2020
Liz selected for a data scientist summer internship at Corteva. Way to go Liz! 🎉🎈
Lars' BAHD paper submitted to bioRxiv and for review.
Mohammad Irfan joins the lab as a postdoc! Irfan is an expert on tomato biochemistry. Welcome Irfan! 🎉🎈
Arielle Johnson co-joins the Moghe/Frank lab groups working on the Euphorbia project. Welcome Arielle! 🎉🎈
Summer 2020
Ali's first paper on sweet potato anthocyanins on bioRxiv and under review.
We bid goodbye to Alexandra Bennett, our lab tech for 3 years, who is moving to Vienna for graduate studies in analytical chemistry. She will be sorely missed!
Ben Fehr -- computational biology graduate student -- joins the lab for his rotation.
Nandita Nagarajan -- a high schooler from NJ -- completes a very successful virtual summer internship in the lab working on cis-regulatory element discovery.
Lars and Gaurav present at the ASPB Global Summit. Liz presents a poster at ISCB.
Gaurav presents at UCSD (virtually). Thanks to Eric Schmelz for the invitation!
Spring 2020
Liz is now a co-PI on a successful Schmittau-Novak small grant from SIPS, with Olenka (PI) from Olena Vatamaniuk lab. 🎉🎈
Solanum quitoense -- a system Gaurav developed in his postdoc -- finally sees light of the day in Plant Physiology, thanks to Bryan Leong's persistent efforts in the Last lab!
Paper on rice interactome with Susan McCouch and Haiyuan Yu accepted in PNAS!
Liz's review titled Machine learning: A powerful tool for gene function prediction in plants -- a detailed primer of ML for functional genomics -- just got accepted in Applications in Plant Sciences! 🎉🎈
Excited for meeting the Plant Natural Products group graduate students and faculty at Rutgers, New Brunswick.
Gaurav presents preliminary data on sweet potato metabolite analysis at the NY State Producer's Expo, Syracuse.
October 2019
Thanks to University of Nebraska-Lincoln Center for Plant Science Innovation for an excellent one-day symposium on Plant Metabolism and Engineering!
Liz completes her A-exam! She's officially a PhD candidate! 🎉🎈
August 2019
Gaurav presents in the Inaugural Presidential session at ASPB 2019, San Jose: "All in the family: Emergence of new functions in plant enzyme families"
Wen-Juan Mo joins our lab as a Visiting Scientist from the Chinese Academy of Forestry till August 2020.
June 2019
Jason Chobirko from the University of Pittsburgh joins our lab as part of the Cornell-BTI REU program.
May 2019
Our USDA-Hatch proposal for quantifying anthocyanins and flavonoids from NY-grown sweet potatoes accepted! 🎉🎈
March 2019
Michael Miller -- a PLBIO grad student -- joins the lab for his third rotation
January 2019
Gordon Younkin and Nicole Szeluga -- PLBIO grad students -- join lab for their second rotations
New AJB paper on evolutionary biochemistry co-authored with fellow Botany meeting presenters, shepherded by Stacey Smith and Chris Pires now online!
December 2018
Our proposal to JGI-CSP for Brachypodium transcriptomics and metabolomics was just accepted! 🎉🎈Major work to start in February!
October 2018
Kai Fan joins our lab as a Visiting Fellow on a CSC fellowship from China for 1 year
September 2018
Se-Jin Park joins our lab as an undergrad
Anna-Lena Sprick joins the lab as a visiting intern from Christian Albrecht University of Kiel for 2 months
July 2018
Lars was just awarded the German DFG fellowship for 2 years! 🎉🎈
June 2018
Our AJB paper is now online 🎉🎈
Liz Mahood embarks on her PhD journey in the lab! 🎉🎈
Welcome - Elena Lazarus! Elena comes to our lab for 10 weeks from the University of Portland, as part of the Boyce Thompson Institute REU program.
April 2018
We are now also a part of the Cornell Computational Biology graduate field.
March 2018
Gaurav is the recipient of the 2018 ASPB Early Career award!🎉🎈
Our opinion piece titled "The study of plant specialized metabolism in the genomics era: Challenges and prospects" just got accepted in the American Journal of Botany.
January 2018
Check out our commentary on Hiroshi Maeda's wonderful paper on betalain evolution in New Phytologist.
Arielle Johnson joins our lab as a rotating graduate student.
November 2017
Our paper from Eran Pichersky's lab on identification of enzymes involved in pyrethrin biosynthesis in Chrysanthemum is now online on Plant Phys. The pathway can, one day, be transferred into tomato to produce pyrethrins in tomato fruit not meant for human consumption (pyrethrins are, however, safe for mammals).
September 2017
First NSF grant proposal submitted.
eLife paper is now online, and is accompanied by some nice press releases by MSU and Cornell.
Liz Mahood joins the lab as a rotating Plant Bio graduate student.
August 2017
The Moghe Lab begins operation.
July 2017
Our paper was just accepted in eLife, and was also selected for a press release!
Lars Kruse will join our lab as a postdoc from October. We are excited to have him around!
June 2017
Welcome to our first and second lab members!
Chenab Khakh: Chenab is a rising sophomore interested in understanding how plants influence human health.
Alexandra Bennett: Ali is our new lab tech. She is a Cornell Horticulture MS graduate with an expertise in plant growth protocols, mass spectrometry and tissue culture.